The free range chickens showed ample representation of the OpenETC at the April 21-22 OERxDomains Conference organized by the Association for Learning Technology and Reclaim Hosting.
The full program and archives of sessions are available in their TV Guide inspired program. Below we have summarized the channels of interest.
Fostering Resiliency With Platform Cooperativism
Grant Potter and Anne-Marie Scott
Grant and Anne-Marie explained the platform cooperative model of the OpenETC under the motto of “contributions not contracts” model, one designed to build capacity rather than extract value. They shared documentation and examples of the considerable uptake in participation in 2020 as a result of the pandemic.
Available for re-watching:
And see the entire content appropriately presented as a web-based presentation hosted on the OpenETC.
Send In The Clones: How Open Infrastructure For Copying Promotes Transformation
Brian Lamb and Alan Levine
Brian and Alan only had five minutes for their five minute Gasta session on how cloning feeds activity here at the OpenETC WordPress platform.
Watch the rerun!
They used H5P Branching Scenario Activity to cram lots of content in, more than was shown. Choose your own Gasta!
OEP In Action – Stories Of Teaching From The OpenETC
Tannis Morgan and Alan Levine
What better tells the story of an OpenETC site or experience that the words of the person behind it? Tannis and Alan shared the first view examples collected for our new Stories of OpenETC in Action site, a SPLOTbox designed to accept multiple media forms of responses.
Watch and hear the stories shared and access all the presentation resources at
The presentation is over but the story collection continues! See all of the stories collected so far and please share your story as a contribution to the OpenETC.
25 Years Of Ed Tech: Giving Voice & Conversation To The Community Or That Open Resource Sure Has Legs!
Clint Lalonde, Laura Pasquini and Martin Weller
A presentation on an OpenETC hosted site was broadcast via live audio into the conference Discord channel. This project represents how openness begats more openness, showing how the Creative Commons licensed book 25 Years of Ed Tech by Martin Weller was remixed as a licensed audio version of the book (a podcast site that lives here on the openETC) voiced by a community of volunteers from around the world.
This effort also expanded to a community driven podcast called ‘Between the Chapters” where issues from the book were discussed by a larger group of educators.
Listen in to the recording of this session.