We have an ever expanding yard of free-ranging WordPress sites created by BC educators and students, all supported here at the OpenETC. As of June 2, 2021 we were able to count 2434 sites that are set to be open to public viewers (our coop engineers are at work to automate this list).
Explore them freely, and if you are impressed, inspired, and wish to help share them, please add them as examples to the OpenETC Inspire collection.
- 10MinutesaDay
- 1111111
- 2019 Kayla’s Blog
- 2020FA Draw & 2D Lang I(FIN-110-DLS2F)
- 2021WI Intro to Social Media (DGL-221-DLU1I)
- 21st Century Edu
- 25 Years of Ed Tech: The Serialized Audio Version
- 339 Blog!
- 339 Blog
- 3D Design & Printing With Core Subjects
- 4education_blog
- 4th Year Electrical C.E.C.
- 4umononoart
- 5 Modules of Nutrition
- A Beginner’s Chess Blog
- A Generation Z’s Blog
- A Glimpse of My Life
- A Glimpse of My Life
- A Global History of Food
- A Learning Journey
- A Nerdy Science Teacher
- A Racer’s Education
- A Science Escape at UNBC
- A Sunny Lifestyle
- A Teacher Education Journey
- A Vanilla Sky
- A Walk About
- A-p-p-l-e
- Aaron’s Education Blog
- Aarons Blog
- aarti 1150 S12
- Abby Corpus
- Abby’s MUS 116 Blog
- Abigail MacDonald
- Aboriginal/Indigenous Education: Epistemology
- Acacia Spencer-Hills, Teacher Candidate
- Accessible Education & Learning Technologies
- Adam Koleba
- Adam Koleba
- AdamGWright
- AdamRao
- Adelle’s Blog Spot
- Adelynn Larsen
- Adrian G’s portfolio
- AdrianDhalla
- Adult Education
- Adventure
- aeshaa-edci338
- Afra’s Site
- After Class
- Aini Jiang
- Akashdeep Singh
- Al Yee’s Education Blog
- Alan’s Blog
- Alana Petrella
- albertine’s test WP site!
- Albjo UNBC Practicum Portfolio
- alecia duncan
- aleetasepass.opened.ca
- Aleha test site
- Aleshia Mund
- Alex Bowman – Portfolio
- Alex Bravo UNBC ED Portfolio
- Alex’s Study Blog
- Alexa Preymak
- Alexa Preymak
- Alexa’s Blog
- Alexandra Cho S10
- Alexandra Iao
- Alexandra Iao
- Alexandra Iao
- Alexhorner.ed
- Alhtsimtmacwilh – let’s speak together
- Alia Von Riesen
- Alicia Hiebert
- Alicia’s Portfolio
- Alida St Jean Portfolio
- alilili
- Aliocha Oicle
- Alisha Kumar S11
- alisha Levesque
- Alison 101
- Alison Jonsson’s Portfolio
- Alison’s Blog
- Alison’s Tech Blog
- alissiahoorn
- alistairjedci335
- All Learning Requires Coffee
- All The World Is Green
- Allen’s 337 Blog
- Allen’s 338 Blog
- Allen’s 338 Site
- Allen’s Site
- Allison Jones S10
- Ally Gatey
- Allyson’s e-portfolio
- Almost A Teacher Blog
- alouwe
- Alyse Hoshowski
- Alyssa Willis
- Amanda Bennett’s Teaching Portfolio
- Amanda Delisle
- Amanda Hecimovic S10
- Amanda Notes
- Amanda Yuchym s11
- Amanjot Dhaliwal
- Amanjot Dhaliwal
- amar
- Amber Bryan
- Amber Greenwood’s Portfolio
- Amber Mykyte
- Amelia Manky
- Amisha Naidu S10 – ePortfolio
- Amy Ardley
- Amy Croft
- Amy’s Blog
- Amy’s EDCI 336 Blog
- An ECE Student’s Journey
- An Experiment in Pedagogy
- Analogue Learning
- Analogue Learning
- Analogue Splot
- Andraste’s Gadfly
- Andrea Lucy
- Andrew’s Education Blog
- AndrewC’s Blog
- Aneka Battel’s Portfolio
- Angel’s Blog
- Angie Cauthers Portfolio
- Angie Dragonflyheart
- anika hara art
- Anika Lucy Jungheim
- Anisha Sandhar S10
- Anisha’s Education Corner
- Anmol Kaur S11
- Anna Weston
- Anna’s Blog
- anna
- anne cumming
- Anne-Marie’s Playground
- Anne’s Education Blog
- AnneCumming
- another
- Anthony Rajkovich
- Anti-racism
- Anton Sokalski
- Anya Read
- Apereo
- aplouwe
- apoorv-arora-s11
- Apreet Kaila S10
- April Arens Portfolio
- April Bailey
- Archival Primary Sources Learning Module
- Aria Lapointe’s Portfolio
- Aria Lapointe’s Portfolio
- Arita’s research site
- Armstrong Farm Co.
- Arnelle Basi’s Education Site
- aroberts
- Arshdeep Singh (Digital culture)
- Arshdeep Singh
- Arshdeep
- Art By Eva
- Art Is Art
- ARTH 1120
- artsisitdev
- Asha EDCI338
- AshleyDesautelsePort
- Asian Flâneur
- asomerset_research_creation
- Attending, attuning, learning with
- Audrey Sturgess S10
- Auston’s EDCI 336 Blog
- Auston’s Education Blog
- AutumnCollins
- Avagog
- Aya Endrigo E-Portfolio
- Ayden’s Web Portfolio
- Bavneet Dhindsa
- BC in BC
- BCcampus BookClub Box
- BCOEL Steering Committee
- BCTLC & K-12 Connections Project
- Bean in a box
- Beau Houle
- Being Human
- Ben Robillard’s Blog
- Ben’s EDCI 337 Blog
- Ben’s EDCI 337 Blog
- Bergen M. F. Critchley’s e-Porfolio
- bibi bacchus S11
- Bill McGill’s On-Line Courses
- Billie Brown
- Billie Brown
- Bio 107 F’20
- BIOL312 @UNBC – Molecular Cell Physiology
- BIOL420 @UNBC – Animal Behaviour
- BIOL421 @UNBC – Insects, Fungi and Society
- Biology 101
- Biology with Michele Jones
- BISC 326 Lab Notebook
- BISC 326 Lab
- Bjorn’s Class Blog
- Blair Withers Portfolio
- Blake Lewis
- Blake’s Awesome Site
- Blog
- Blog
- blogbyalyssalloyd
- Bloggin’ with Inder
- Blogging with Deanna
- Blogging with Ms. P
- bo design
- Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog
- Bobbi Vojtko
- Bobby Dhaliwal
- boom
- Brad Hampel’s Portfolio
- Brad Kempster
- Braeden Cyra
- Braeden Cyra
- Brain Dough
- Brandon Myrbo Fine Arts
- Brandon Myrbo Photography
- Brandon Slade
- Brandon’s Believable Blog
- Bre Erickson
- breadhead.opened.ca
- Breaking out of the box
- breannagueldner.opened.ca
- Breanne 335 EDCI
- Breanne EDCI 335
- Breanne EDCI 338
- Breanne’s Big Ideas
- Brendan MacIntosh
- brendan’s site
- Brendon Bauhuis Portfolio
- Brenna’s Site
- brewerm
- Brian’s Blog
- Brian’s workshop site
- Briana Fraser – Design
- Brianna Kane
- Brianna Spencer’s ePortfolio
- Brianna’s Blog
- Brie’s Explorations
- Brigitte’s Blogging Adventures
- Britt’s Site
- Brittany Fladager
- Brittany King
- Brittany’s Education Blog
- Brivee Mueller
- Brivee Mueller
- Bronson Blog
- Bronson’s Blog
- Bruce Smart
- BryanDumas
- Bryce Hickerty ePortfolio
- Bryce’s Bizarre Ideas
- Bryn’s Portfolio
- Bulldog Blog
- Bus 260 Consumer Behavior
- BUS170
- butterfly student blog
- CA 285 2020
- Cahier de notes
- Cailin Washington
- Caitlin Galbraith
- Caitlin Garfias-Chan’s E-Portfolio
- Caitlyn’s Music
- CaitlynUNBC
- Calalta Services
- Caldwell’s Assignments
- Calli McMillan
- Calli’s Blog
- Callie’s student blog
- Callie’s student blog
- callimcmillan.opened.ca
- Callum Frost S10
- Cam Scott’s Blog
- Cameran’s Classroom
- Cami Bull
- Camosun College Medical Radiography Clinical Education
- Camosun ELD Sandbox
- camosun h5p sandbox
- Camosun Librarians H5P Sandbox
- camosuncdpr
- CamSTAR – Professional Skills Development
- Camus’ Blog EDCI 338
- Camus’ Blog
- Camus’ Blog
- Canada Before Confederation
- Canadian Protected Areas Management Effectiveness
- Cape Verde Crustaceans
- capri’s blog
- capri’s site
- Captivating Questions & Enchanting Explorations
- Captivating Questions & Enchanting Explorations
- Captivating Questions & Enchanting Explorations
- Caraleigh Nelson’s E-Portfolio
- card-title
- Carlie Sawchuk
- Carly’s Corner
- Caroline Smulders S10
- caroline’site
- Carolyn Nancy Anderson
- Carter’s adventure through Music
- Carving with Mr. Chris
- Casandra Hincks
- Casey’s Class
- Cassandra Andresen
- Cassandra’s Education Blog
- Cassidy Brown’s Portfolio
- Cassidy Lindsay
- Cassidy Roger’s Portfolio
- Cassie Halas – Student Portfolio
- Cat in the Universe
- Cathy Pretorius
- Catrina Moyes’ Portfolio
- Cc Study Blog
- Cecil Ward
- Celeste Loiselle’s eportfolio
- Celine Adriano S10
- Centre for Community Engaged Learning
- Certificate in Applied Leadership – Portfolio Sample
- Chantal Drolet FA course
- Chantal Morfitt
- Char’s Teaching Tips
- Charlotte Learning
- Charlotte’s Ed Blog
- Charmayne’s sharing circle
- Chase Shields
- Chelsea Westendorf’s Portfolio
- Chelsea’s Blog
- chenxi uvic
- Cherie’s Blog
- Chiawei Ko S10
- Chiawei Ko S10
- Chicken in a SPLOTBox
- Chilliwack Special Education
- Chloe Paterson’s e-Portofolio
- Chloe Schmidt ePortfolio
- Chloe Tells
- Chloe’s Corner
- Chloe’s EDCI 337 Blog
- chowells
- Christina Green
- Christina Scrivner: ePortfolio
- Christine
- Christopher Atkins – MUS116 Blog
- Christopher Shaw
- Christopher Taylor’s E-Portfolio
- Christy’s Study Blog
- Chunlin’s Blog
- CHY Demonstrations #UNBCED
- Cierriously Curious
- Claire McLean’s E-Portfolio
- claire’s class
- Clara Kucher’s Portfolio
- Classroom to Communities
- Clay MUS 116 Blog
- Clayton MUS 116 Blog
- clesire
- Cliff Winter’s Portfolio
- Clone Test
- CLP Math
- CLS Course
- cmcewen
- Co-op Coop
- codie
- colesthinks
- Colin Verbree’s Portfolio
- Colin’s EDCI 336 Website
- Colin’s UVic Site
- Colour your Learning
- Colton’s Connections
- Coming home
- Comm 210 Fall 2020
- Community Scholars Program
- Computer Architecture Labs
- Computer Fundamentals
- Computer Studies 030 – Camosun College
- Computer Studies 040 – Camosun College
- Computing in the Humanities
- Connections:
- Connor Baldwin’s OpenEd
- Connor’s EDCI 335 Ramblings
- Connor’s EDCI 339 Ramblings
- connor’s portfolio
- Conrad Gair
- Conrad’s Corner
- Conrad’s Ed Tech Blog
- Conrad’s Site
- Conservation Science and Planning Lab
- COordt’s Blog
- Corae Bracken Digital Culture
- Corae Bracken-Piper
- Cornerstone Behaviour Analysts
- Cory Rausch’s Blog
- Cory Rausch’s School Blog
- Counting Carbs
- Course Learning Outcomes
- Courtnay’s Teacher Ed Portfolio
- Courtney Robinson’s Teaching Portfolio
- Creating Anew
- Creative Process + Research
- creative
- Creativity
- CRICKET H5P Sandbox
- Criminal Law: An Introduction to Actus and Mens Rea
- Critical Perspectives in Practice
- Crystal McGregor’s E-Portfolio December 2020
- Crystal’s Blog
- CSC 101
- cshields.opened.ca
- Cultural Exchanges in the Fraser River Heritage Park
- Cup Of Tea With Ms. E
- Curiosity-Driven, Inquiry-Based Science
- Curious Pebble
- Cynthia’s Blog
- cynthia
- Dakota Reid S10
- Dan 338 Blog
- Dan Blog
- Dana King Simpson Art
- Dane’s Blog
- Danica Parkin
- Daniel Glasgow
- Daniel’s EDCI 339 Blog
- Daniel’s Uvic site
- Danielle’s Education Explorations
- DanielleH
- Daniyal Arif S11
- Danny’s Blog
- Danny’s EDCI Blog
- dansonkym
- Darryl’s 335 Blog
- Dave’s Big Initial Site!
- Dave’s Big Site!
- David Ewen
- David Fuerst Ackles
- David’s blog
- Dawson Gorman’s ePortfolio
- dbawa
- DC Business Management Grad 2021
- DC Educational Technologies
- DC Knowledge Base
- DCBusiness Management Grad 2021
- DCdev
- Dear Data
- Death: a Beginner’s Guide
- Death: A Beginner’s Guide
- Debbie Dergousoff
- Decolonizing Education
- Delaney’s ePortfolio
- Delete
- demara wilding
- Denée Nickel
- Denise Cork
- denise
- Dennis Yip – OpenETC
- dennishang
- Depth
- Derek Hanna
- Derek Valenciano
- Derek
- Design and Testing
- Desiree de koninck
- Desiree Hall Portfolio
- Dewald Van Der Merwe’s Portfolio
- DGL 101 Assignments by Jennifer Dewhirst
- DGL 101
- DGL 101
- DGL 101
- DGL 101
- DGL 101
- DGL 101
- DGL 101
- DGL test site
- DGL_101 Digital Culture
- DGL-101 Caleb Richardson
- DGL-101 Pat
- DGL-101
- DGL-101
- DGL-101
- DGL101
- DGL101
- DGL101
- DGL101
- dhoughton
- Digital Culture – Jayden
- Digital Culture = Jayden I.
- Digital Culture 2021: JI
- Digital Culture site
- Digital Culture Student
- Digital Culture
- Digital Equality & Perspectives in Distributed and Open Learning
- Digital Equity & Perspective Pod #2
- Digital Equity & Perspective Pod Project
- Digital Equity & Perspective Pod Project
- Digital Equity & Perspectives in Distributed and Open Learning
- Digital Equity & Perspectives in Distributed and Open Learning
- Digital Equity & Perspectives in Distributed and Open Learning
- Digital Equity And Perspective Pod Project
- Digital Equity and Perspective
- Digital Equity and Perspectives pod project
- Digital Equity Project
- Digital Etiquette
- Digital Games & Learning
- Digital Games and Learning
- Digital Journeys
- Digital Learning as a Senior Citizen
- Digital Literacy for Kindergarten
- Digital Literacy in the Yukon
- Digital Mastery
- Digital Storytelling in EDCP 512
- digital
- DigitalCulture
- digitalenglish
- Discourse on Social Media for Connected and Personalized Learning
- Distributed & Open Learning
- Distributed Equity and Perpective Project
- Distributed Learning Portfolio
- Do not use
- Dog Writer
- Donna Seymour
- Donovan Grube Cavers’ E-Portfolio
- Donri Athena Helmer
- DontworrybeHappy
- douglash5p
- Dr Blog
- Dr Blog
- Dr. Brad Harasymchuk
- Dr. Christine Ho Younghusband
- Dr. Francis Adu-Febiri
- Dr. Fraser’s Portfolio
- Dr.AlexanderDunn
- Draft dont post
- Drawing in Class
- Drawing Journeys
- Drew Ramey
- Dya233
- dylanrossi s10
- E-E-ric’s 336
- e-Portfolio – Bergen M. F. Critchley
- E-Portfolio for Anna-Lisa Schubert
- E-Portfolio for MEd Programs
- E-Portfolio Sample
- E-Portfolio
- E-Portfolio
- e-portfolio
- E-Portfolio
- E-Portfolio
- e-Research
- Early Childhood Care and Education: Liz Brown
- Early Childhood Cohort Template
- Early Childhood Education
- ECC 136 – Foundations of Professional Practice
- ECC 136 – Last Class!
- ECC 136 One Educator’s Perspective
- ECC student journey
- ECC-136
- ECE- The Journey
- ecejournal
- Echo
- eco classroom
- Ed Tech Blog
- Ed Tech Exploration
- Ed Tech Mindshift
- EDCI 335 – Ashlyn MacKenzie
- EDCI 335 – Cyrus Arora
- EDCI 335 Blog
- EDCI 335 Learning Design – Lauren Ingbrigtson
- EDCI 335 Learning Design – Learner Template
- EDCI 335 Ryan Barclay
- EDCI 335
- EDCI 335
- EDCI 335
- EDCI 335
- edci 335
- EDCI 335
- EDCI 336 Blog
- EDCI 336 Blog
- EDCI 336 Blog
- EDCI 336 Portfolio
- EDCI 336 Tutorial
- EDCI 336: Technology in the classroom
- EDCI 336
- EDCI 337 – Anna Wang
- EDCI 337 -Aliocha Oicle
- EDCI 337 Adventures
- EDCI 337 Elizabeth Lewis
- EDCI 337 Spring 2021
- Edci 337-Blog
- EDCI 337
- EDCI 337
- EDCI 337
- EDCI 338 – Blog
- EDCI 338 A01 David Jeong’s Website
- EDCI 338 Blog(Samlpe)
- EDCI 338 blog
- EDCI 338 Blog
- EDCI 338 Learning Blogs
- EDCI 338 Social Media & PL Template
- EDCI 338 Social Media & PL Template
- EDCI 338 Social Media
- EDCI 338 Student Blog
- EDCI 338- Helen’s Blog
- EDCI 338-Yi Yan
- EDCI 338, 2020
- EDCI 338: Jasmine
- EDCI 338: Ming Dach
- EDCI 338: Nina Singh
- EDCI 338: Social Media and Personalized Learning – Ming Dach
- EDCI 338: UVic Social Media & Personalized Learning – Lauren Ingbrigtson
- EDCI 338: UVic Social Media & Personalized Learning – Learner Template
- EDCI 338: UVic Social Media & Personalized Learning – Learner Template
- edci 338
- EDCI 338
- EDCI 338
- EDCI 338
- EDCI 338
- EDCI 339 – Kayla
- EDCI 339 – Student Blog
- EDCI 339 – Yun Chen’s page
- EDCI 339 blog
- EDCI 339 Blog
- EDCI 339 Blogs
- EDCI 339 Distributed and Open Learning Template
- EDCI 339 Learning Blog
- EDCI 339 MacNeill Style
- EDCI 339 yushen
- EDCI 339- Simran’s Page
- EDCI 339
- EDCI 339
- EDCI 339
- EDCI 339
- EDCI 339
- EDCI 339
- EDCI 366 Blog
- EDCI assignment due on Sunday
- EDCI_338
- EDCI335 – Melissa Cartwright
- edci335_Mnnoor@2019
- EDCI335- ErinF
- EDCI335
- edci335
- EDCI335
- edci335
- EDCI335
- edci335
- EDCI335
- EDCi335
- edci335pod.assignment
- EDCI336-A03
- EDCI336: My Personal Blog
- EDCI337Fall2020
- EDCI338 – Sarah’s Blog
- EDCI338 Blog Space
- EDCI338
- edci338
- edci338
- EDCI338
- EDCI338
- EDCI338
- EDCI338
- EDCI338
- EDCI339 Blog Topic1″Choice”
- EDCI339 Blogsite
- EDCI339 Distributed and Open Learning
- EDCI339 mpaskevi
- EDCI339 tudent
- Edci339-Yi
- edci339-yiwei
- EDCI339
- EDCI339
- EDCI339Lucas
- edci339student.opened.ca
- edci339student
- EDCI339Student
- EDCI572 Group Project
- EDEF 3200 – Theoretical Frameworks of Education
- EDEF 3200
- EDEF portfolio
- Edenbank and the Wells Family
- EDHC 4100 Wellness Plan
- EDIE 4100 Learning Portfolio
- EDTE 4110 Portfolio Test
- EdTech Explorer
- EdTech
- EDUC 1100/1150 ePortfolio
- Educ 405
- EDUC 431 Team A
- Educ Test Site
- EDUC431 – Educational Technology (Terrace)
- Education 240 – Advanced Child Development
- Education E-Portfolio-Alex Peterson
- Education E-Portfolio
- Education E-Portfolio
- Education in the Pacific Northwest with Kyle Davie
- Education Park
- Education Technology & Media
- Education Through Connection and Action
- Educational Change
- Educational Media Gallery
- Educational Media Pathways
- educational portfolio
- Educational Technologies: Facilitating Learning Online
- Educational Technologies
- Educational Technology Group
- Educational Technology
- Educational Technology
- Educational Technology
- Educational Technology
- Effective Cross Culture Relationships: How Agriculture Brought People Together
- EFS Mapping
- Elben’s EDCI335
- Elben’s EDCI338
- eLearning at BCIT
- eLearning at Camosun College
- eLearning Tutorials at Camosun
- eLearning Workshops at Camosun
- Electronic Literature
- Elementary Ed. Resource Sharing
- Elias Seto’s Thoughts
- Elise McColl
- ellaineashby
- Ellen Paynton
- Ellie’s Personal Page
- Em Talks About Music
- Em’s Thoughts On Music
- emh
- Emily Bassani
- Emily Bassani
- Emily Dodd e-Portfolio
- Emily Hanson
- Emily Hanson
- Emily Hanson
- Emily Payne
- Emily Pettet Writing
- Emily Schudel Photography
- Emily Trelford
- Emily’s Blog
- Emily’s Ed Tech Portfolio
- Emily’s Teacher Ed Portfolio
- Emily’s EDCI 561 Learning Journey
- emilyglass
- Emma Piggin’s Portfolio
- Emma’s Page!
- Emma’s UVIC Blog
- Engaged Education Using Technologies
- Engaged Education with Technology
- EngagED
- ENGL300: Theory
- ENGL390 – Language
- English 122 Reading Literature (Mac Newton)
- English 491 @UNBC
- English at NIC
- English Learning for ESL Students
- ENVR 626 – December 2020
- Enze’s Blog
- ePortfolio Sydnee Blackall
- ePortfolio
- eportfolio
- ePortfolio
- Eric’s Site
- Erica Kroeker’s Professional Portfolio
- Erica Reid Educator
- Erica’s 338 Blog
- Ericka Stringer
- Erin Davidson
- Erin Fletcher
- Erin Stewart
- Erin Teaches Music
- erinfahey9
- ErinVanDiemen
- Erza Mjekiqi S10
- Eskers Restoration
- ESL Best Practices
- ESL in the Third Millennium
- ESL in the Third Millennium
- Ethan’s Music Appreciation Blog ♫
- Ethical Dimensions in Educational Technology
- ETS H5P Studio
- ETS Mapping
- ETUG Stories
- Eunmi’s Blog
- eva salmon
- Evan Robyn
- Everybody Knows (that)
- EvTech
- ExL LD & LT Community
- Exploring Digital Culture
- Exploring EC Forests with the Littles
- Exploring EC Forests with the Littles
- Exploring Infant and Child Sleep Education in Northern BC
- Extended Reality
- Eyes Up Global
- Fact-checks
- Fallon Crosby
- Farakhnoz Shukurzoda
- Felix Abraham s10
- FIN 110 DLS1
- Finally I Have a BLOG!
- Fiona MacLeod S10
- First Site
- Fitz and the Great War
- Fletcher’s EDCI 335 Learning Blog
- FLO Bootcamp
- Florence Daddey – Educator
- Florence Mullan-Fraser, Digital Culture
- Florence Mullan-Fraser
- For Art and Education
- Forensic Medicine Terminology
- Foroozan Taleifard
- Fractals
- Fran’s Tech Innovation in Education Blog
- Francis
- Franck’s blog
- Frank Fucile
- Freddie Milne
- Freeze Frame
- French 256: Intermediate Oral French
- French Education in Mission, British Columbia
- Freya Jonasson’s E-Portfolio
- Freya Jonasson
- Freya Jonasson
- Friends of Semiahmoo Bay Society – www.birdsonthebay.ca
- FunECCEAssignments
- Fungi Lab
- Gabriel Martyn
- Gabriel Martyn
- Gabriella Guido’s Teaching and Learning E-Portfolio
- Gabrielle Moore
- Gabrielle Sieben
- Gabrielle
- Gabrielles E Portfolio
- Game of Thrones & Medievalism
- Gameday Face
- Gary Klein’s E-Portfolio
- Gathering Pictures
- Gender 300
- Gene’s UVic Site
- Geoff’s Teaching Site
- Geoff’s Teaching Space
- Geoffrey New’s Portfolio
- GEOG 1000 Fall 2019
- GEOG 1000 W2021
- GEOG 1000 Winter 2020
- GEOG1000
- Georgette’s Teacher Ed Blog
- GeorgetteW
- Get Educated with Shayla
- gettingstarted
- Gillian Cattet’s Educational Portfolio
- Gillian Robertson
- Gillian_Gahagan
- Gillian’s EDCI 338 Blog
- Gillian’s Portfolio
- Gillianne Paddon Portfolio
- gillianpower
- Glenn Chen
- gordon ross
- gpaulson
- Grace Boyd
- Grace Walker
- Grace’s Exercises
- Gracen Monet
- GracenMonetDickey
- Graduate Colloquia
- graham lord
- Graham Boldt’s Portfolio
- Graham Kaye Sound & Video FIN 200
- Great Outdoors
- Group Exam Testing
- Growing Mrs. Gardiner
- Growing Resilience
- Growing with Mx.Story
- Guerilla Pedagogy
- gurkamal-kular-s11
- Gurkirats Learning Portal
- gurpreetpaul
- gursimran-basra-s11
- Gwenda’s H5P Sandbox (Library Tutorials)
- H5P
- H5P Exploration
- H5P Laboratory
- H5P Sandbox
- H5Playpen
- Hahahan
- hahahan
- Hailey Steele ePortfolio
- Hailey Yan
- Hailey’s Education Blog ☺︎
- Hailey’s Education Blog
- haileychoi
- hala does the blog thing
- Halayna Boersma
- Halli Trenholme
- HANG’s
- HANG’s
- Hannah Browning
- Hannah Browning
- Hannah Rochford
- Hannah Trombley
- Hannah Trombley
- Hannah Trombley
- Hannah’s Education Portfolio
- Hannah’s education station
- Hannah’s Education Station
- Hannah’s Uvic Site
- Happy International Women’s Day
- Happy
- Happy2art
- Harleen Parmar
- Harman Sandhu’s Blog
- Harman Sandhu’s Blog
- Harman’s Blog
- harpreet brar s10
- Harpreet Sidhu’s Portfolio
- harshdhaliwal
- Harvinder Bahia E-Portfolio
- haseen mohammed S10
- Havrda Nina399 Portfolio
- Heather Boomer
- Heather Boomer
- Hedy’sEDCI
- Heeeeyyy
- heidi_cheung
- Heidi’s EDCI 338 Blog
- Helen Lee Online
- helloworld
- Here to Tech It Out
- Here We Go
- HHS Student Interdisciplinary Education Virtual Festival
- Hi, I am Ruby!
- HIST333 @UNBC – Final Projects
- HIST3510
- HIST365 Final Projects
- History 3150 Portfolio
- History 3510 ePortfolio
- History 3510 Portfolio
- History 3510
- history 440 test site
- History of Education
- hnuvic Site
- hnuvic
- Ho Chan on Education
- Ho Chan on Education
- holistic self development
- Holly Edquist Mus116
- Holly’s Honey’s
- Holly’s Portfolio
- Holmework
- Home Spun Adventures
- Honesty, Promised.
- Hooray for H5P!
- Hopeful, Actual, Possible: Lisa Dickson’s Blog
- How are we feeling?
- How to Educate: When you don’t know what you’re doing.
- Howdy Sun
- Howlett’s Page
- Huatian He
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- Jake McCloskey
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- Jazmine Storvold’s ePortfolio
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- Jiaqi Wang’s Blog EDCI 337
- Jillian Echo Green UNBC Practicum Portfolio
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- Joanna Clark
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- joshea.opened.ca
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- Joslin Sanger
- Joslin Sanger
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- kamal.opened.ca/.
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- Kat Enters the 21st Century
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- Kelly Wallace
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- Kenzie Malone
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- Kira Katan’s ePortfolio
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- Kirby’s Education Journey
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- Laura Adams ePortfolio
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- Mackenzie Swim ePortfolio
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- madelineosgarby.opened.ca
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- Manpreet Prihar S10
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- Maria Perez
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- marie louise maralli S11
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- Marlee Munro
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- Megans ePortfolio
- Megans ePortfolio
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- Michael’s Portfolio
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- michaelli’s Uvic Site
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- mikayla olesen
- mikayla olesen
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- mononoartist
- mononoartist
- mononoartist
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- MsSonnleitner
- MsSonnleitner
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- Nina Singh: EDCI 338
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- nio
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- Nolan’s Mus 116 Blog
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- not this one
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- Nuxalk Territory
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- Olivia Anacleto
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- Omar’s Student Blog
- Omar’s Student Blog
- Omar’s Student Blog
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- Pamela’s EDCI336 Blog
- pamwright.opened.ca
- pardeep8
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- patriciagarner
- Patrick ryan: Teacher, maker, mentor
- Patrick’s Site
- Patrick’s thoughts
- PatrickG’s site
- Paul Anthony Hill
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- PEAK-Buildings Open
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- Peggy Hunter at Camosun College
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- Peng Lin S10
- Perle’s Website
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- Personalized Learning
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- Port398 e-portfolio
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- Portfolio
- Portfolio
- Portfolio
- Portfolio
- Portfolio
- Portfolio
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- practise site
- Preston Forry’s Blog
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- Primary and Puppies
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- Professional Portfolio
- Professional Portfolio
- Professional Portfolio
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- Project 1
- Psychologically Wild
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- Purpleberrykat’s Photos
- qgao
- Qi’s UVic Site
- Qiaming’s Blog
- Quinton’s 338 Site
- Quinton’s Site
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- Rachel
- Rachelle’s Blog for EDCI 338
- Rachelle’s EDCI338 Blog
- Raegan S. Mus116 Blog
- Rahma’s education site
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- Rajat Pushkarna EDUC 1150 S11 Spring 2019
- Ram Sudama
- Ramneet Bhullar EDCI 337
- Rande Kanne
- Rashr sandhu S11
- ratan0813.opened.ca
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- ravo
- RBSC Langmann Exhibition
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- Reading Strategy: Making Words
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- Reid’s NIC Site
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- renée poisson
- RenyuZheng’BLOG
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- Reya Judge S10
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- Rhiannon Parker Photography
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- Rianne’s Blog
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- Rosemary’s 335 blog
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- Roy’s UVIC Site
- RRU H5P Sandbox
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- ryan’s page
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- s11 1150
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- sailxin
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- Sam Dgl-100
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- Sam Song’s blog
- Sam’s Education Adventure
- Sam’s Site
- Sam’s UVic site
- Sam’s DGL assignments
- sam011.opened.ca
- Samantha Burshtynski
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- Samantha Rumney
- Samantha’s Edci 336 Website
- Samantha’s EdTech Blog
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- Sample E-Portfolio
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- Sandra Wang Random Thoughts
- sandy’s blog
- Sandy’s Blog
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- Sarah ter Keurs
- Sarah’s Art
- Sarah’s Blog EDCI 337
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- Sarah’s Education Blog
- Sarah’s Site
- Sarah’s Site
- sarahatwood
- Sarahfromtheprairies
- Satya Bellerose
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- savi’s
- Scarfe Sandbox
- School children adorned racialized costumes in the Fraser Valley during the 20th and 21st centuries.
- School of Land Use and Environmental Change UFV
- Sean Mackinlay e-Portfolio
- Second Blog
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- Seven Scheifele’s e-Portfolio
- Shae-Lynn Bilodeau S10
- Shan Jiang Thoughts
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- Shanshan Blog
- Shanshan’s blog_learning design
- Shawna Bradley Portfolio
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- Shelby’s Site
- Shobia Vaseeharan S11
- Shrey’s Learning Center
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- Simi Lehal
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- Sioned Seeley-Cavers
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- Site Title for EDCI 336 Template
- Site Title for EDCI 336 Template
- Site Title for EDCI 337 Template
- Site Title
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- Spencer Wilson’s Educational Portfolio
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- SPLOT Writer Writer
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- Tam McTavish
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- Tara Laughlin
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- teaching tiny humans
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- The Mikado
- The Motion Of A Curling Rock
- The Play Residue Project
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- The Smoothie
- The Spatial Shift from Classroom to Online Learning
- The Stó:lō Requisition of Coqualeetza
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- The Story of Silverhill
- The Story of Us: Where observations meet art.
- The Trials of Zevos Myalith
- The Truth About Stories
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- Theo Kim’s MUS 116 Blog
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- This & That
- this is a student blog
- Thriving In An Online Community
- Through the Eyes of Miss Jaime
- Tian Gao‘s Uvic Site
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- TIEgrad Tutorial
- Tiffany Hallett – Portfolio
- Timm’s Uvic Education Blog
- Timm’s Uvic Webpage
- tina
- Tingyan’s blog
- Tiny Island Learning
- title pending…
- TJ Pak’s Portfolio
- TMGT 2060 Mapping exercise
- Tobo’s MUS116 Blog
- Tong’s Blog
- Tonkin’s Toddlers
- Tony de Gans
- Tonycubed’s (aka Tony Trudel’s) Sandbox
- tonygao
- Toolset Mapping Master Template
- Tori’s 335 Blog
- Tori’s 338 Blog
- Történetek, melyekkel élünk. Stories we learn with
- Tour Routes Demo
- training wheels and technology
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- Travis Weishaar E-Portfolio
- Trevar’s EDCI 337
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- Trinh Nguyen’s Blog
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- Tyler Mace
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- university of northern british columbia
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- Untextbook Demo
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- UVic EdTech MEd Cohort
- UVic MUS 116 Blog
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- V00932838 Matthew MUS116
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- Victoria’s student blog
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- Vince’s Blog
- Vince’s Blog
- vinisha sharma s11
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- W’s Blog
- wade pan BLOG
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- wander on
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- Wei’s Blog
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- weiran’s uvic blog
- Weiwei Impressions
- Weiwen’s Uvic Site
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- Welcome to Paige’s Page!
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- Wells-Barkerville Community Forest Mapping Project
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- Wenyi – EDCI 335 A02
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- Westcoast
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- What’s a plog?
- When Avi has to code for Arshiya
- when the universe
- Where would you be?
- Where’s the [Any] key?
- Where’s the Any key?
- Where’sLearning
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- Whole Group Response Strategies
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- Wild Wittig Wondering
- Will Lewthwaite Fine Arts Page
- Will’s Education Scrapbook
- William Bennett’s Education Assets and Portfolio
- William J. Garcia
- William’s Blog
- William’s Blog
- William’s UVic Site
- WilsonTech
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- wllunny.opened.ca
- Wonder guides us
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- wordpower
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- WordPress: Open Source Or Not?
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- Working Together
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- wsugden@nic
- Xá:ytem
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- xiaolin’s uvic site
- Xiaoqi Wang EDCI 338 Class
- Xiaowei Zhang’s EDCI337 Assignments
- Xiaowei Zhang’s EDCI338 Assignments
- Xiaoying’s blog
- Xiling Zhang
- Xinran Wang’s site
- xinxinwu
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- xinyi
- xinyi
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- xizhang blog
- Xuejing’s EDCI335 Blog
- Xuyao Han’s Blog
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- Yao’s Student Blog
- YaoYao EDCI337
- YaoYao EDCI338
- YaoYao
- Ye Hong’s Blog
- Yekai’s uvic site
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- Yiming Zhang’s Portfolio
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- YiranBlog
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- Yiwei’s blog
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- Yixi
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- Yossra’s Learning Blog
- Youth As Urban Designers
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- YouTube Hajimeyou
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- Yoyo’s UVic Site
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- YukunL
- Yuqi’s Blog
- Yuqianhu’s Uvic Site
- Yury Duque
- Yuyang Sun
- Z Smith Open Ed
- Zach Millward
- Zack Fernstrom
- Zackery D. Fitzpatrick
- Zahra’s Blog
- Zara Gordon
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- Zeyuan’s EDCI 339
- Zhaolong Tan’s Blog
- Zhaolong Tan’s Site
- zhengyangfeng.opended.ca
- Zhihanl Blog
- ZhiqingYe
- Zian’s Blog
- Zijian’s Uvic Site
- Zikai’s blog
- Zimeng‘s blog
- Ziming Li’s Blog
- Ziming Li’ blog
- Ziming Li
- Ziqi Li’s Blog
- Ziyu Fu’s Uvic site
- Zoe Luo’s Blog
- Zoe’s ePortfolio
- Zoey’s Student Blog
- Zoey’s blog
- ZsmithEd