If you have not seen the description of the OpenETC before, our ethos of “contributions not contracts” in offering educational technology to BC higher education students is suggested as
No contracts or agreements are required to join us, just a willingness and ability to actively participate.
If you have used, benefitted from an OpenETC service or contributed in some way , a small way you can help us to share that back with the community. We offer places to nominate someone else’s site that inspires you or another pace where you can share the story of your own work.
We hope you contribute there, but as a quicker approach, you can help build a collection of “OpenETC Sharebacks”, both to show our funders what we do but also to let the world know what an edtech cooperative can achieve.
It’s rather easy!
OpenETC Shareback
Thanks for sharing (and multiple shares are more than acceptable).
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